3 prikken gevonden met hashtag #prikstilte

From: 24HourMan / 16:37:41 Thu 12 Apr 2012

Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to turn every #Prikstilte into a massive #Prixplosie!

"Look, up in the sky!"
"It's a bird."
"It's a plane".
"It's 24HourMan!"

“Fear not my fellow Prikkers, for it is I, 24HourMan, who will prevent any #Prikstilte from becoming longer than 24 hours! Now keep this Holy Prikbord alive! Cheers!” - 24HourMan

From: Laurens / 19:26:50 Fri 7 Oct 2011

Vanwaar de #prikstilte?

From: Laurens / 19:26:46 Fri 7 Oct 2011

Vanwaar de #prikstilte?